What is the Saints Prison Ministry?
The Saints Prison Ministry is a unique prison ministry that reaches inmates with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through athletics. Statistics show that the vast majority of prisoners will not attend a traditional religious program such as a chapel service or Bible study. However, inmates will gladly attend sporting events at which a gospel message is shared.
Most of the men and women that are encountered behind bars have hurting hearts and are desperate to experience Christ’s love and forgiveness.

When are we going?
Every year we send out a team of men to prison armed with bats, gloves, softballs and the gospel of Jesus Christ. From August 8-10th, 2024, we are planning an August trip to the Central PA area.
The great thing about these trips is that those we're sharing with are, more often than not, very interested in the Good News we have to share. If you're a bit uncomfortable sharing your faith, this is a wonderful opportunity to help you grow in that area. There's the added benefit of playing softball and having fun while we evangelize! This aspect of the trip helps to form relationships quickly with the inmates and it makes having conversations very easy and natural.
If you're even just a little bit interested in attending this trip, would you please fill out the interest form below? We can help answer any questions you have, or address concerns.