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Giving to the ministry as an act of worship

If you are new to giving online to Calvary Mercer, simply follow this link to get started with making an account and setting up your giving.

Thank you for your generous support of Calvary Chapel. God has blessed us in so many ways and it’s people like you that allow us to continue to do the work of ministry in this area.

You’ve probably noticed that we rarely talk about finances at our services. We know that God’s people support God’s work. We also believe that as our church continues to do the work God has called us to do, people will see that blessing and want to be a part of that work financially. Thank you for your commitment through finances.

Calvary Chapel is a 501 (c) 3 non profit corporation. Gifts that you give to Calvary Chapel are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. At the end of each year or by special request we issue tax deductible receipts and a summary of giving. The work we do is dependent upon God’s work through you and your generosity. Thank you for giving to Calvary Chapel.

Giving Options

Give Online

When you click on the symbol in the bottom left hand corner or this link then you’ll be able to give via credit card or e-check. You can also set up your giving as a one time gift or recurring. We know that this option will give many the opportunity to plan their giving and choose to give even when they are on vacation or out of town. Click here to give online.

Give in Person

Around the church building there are three offering boxes to drop a donation into at your convenience. That’s one of the ways that you can help support the ongoing work of Calvary Chapel. All donations given by check or marked if it is a monetary gift marked with your name will receive a giving statement at the end of the year for tax purposes.

Give by Mail

You can make your check payable to Calvary Chapel of Mercer County and mail the gift to: Calvary Chapel of Mercer County, 80 West Upper Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08628 (2nd Floor)

Send a check through your Bank

Automatic bill payment systems at your personal bank can be set up to send a check to: Calvary Chapel of Mercer County, 80 West Upper Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08628 (2nd Floor)

Give Stock

If you give a gift of appreciated stock you don’t have to pay the capital gains tax on that sale and receive a tax deduction for the full amount of the appreciated stock. To help you facilitate a gift of stock, please contact our office at (609) 882-2029.

Give to Missions

If you are interested in giving to the various domestic and international missions organizations that Calvary Chapel of Mercer County supports, click here.