The Leadership/Ministry Team
Geoff and Linda Simpson came to Kenya as missionaries in 2012 with their two children, Christian and Faith, who were about 13 and 10 years old at the time. They (including Christian and Faith) quickly found themselves investing in children and especially teenagers in an area of Kenya called Ongata Rongai. What started as a band of teenagers finding their way in life has become an entire ministry family of young adult ministers who are dedicating their lives to pouring into youth in several areas of Kenya. Geoff and Linda mentor and guide these young adults as they are being a light and testimony to communities of children and teenagers. Together, over 1000 young people are being ministered to each week. Geoff and Linda's goal is to disciple people who will disciple people to be followers of Jesus. They are grateful to do that in Kenya where the Lord called them.
This group of wonderful young adults focuses on ministering in an area called Olekasasi where they teach, mentor, counsel, support, and guide many young people from littles to older teenagers. They help run two youth community centers in this area for the children and the teenagers to come to learn and grow. They hold a tutoring program at both locations and have Bible studies weekly with them there. They also have plenty of life-giving activities for them like retreats, team games, debates, academic challenges, and the arts (dance, music, drawing).
Austine, Sheila, and Felix have dedicated their lives to full time ministry and received a two year degree in Biblical theology. Grace Mercy and Stephen are in university while they serve every moment they have, and Ian is pursuing music and graphic design while he serves the youth in the community often.
Some of the guys also have a football (soccer) ministry locally to reach those who may not come to the centers so they can reach them where they are at.
This great group focuses much of their attention in Ongata Rongai. They are running a community youth center there, holding Bible studies and life skills classes, helping support the students in their schooling with enrichment lessons and homework support, and mentoring and guiding many teenagers in the area who struggle with broken families, hopelessness, and a challenging environment to live in. They hold plenty of productive activities for the youth like football, games, tournaments, retreats, debates, academic symposiums, etc.
Sam, Joyce, Dennis, and Tony have committed to do ministry full time. Sam and Joyce received a two year degree in Biblical theology, and Dennis and Tony are studying social work and development while serving full time. We have recently brought on Dorris and Agnes (both disciples from our program) to be the social worker and counselor, much needed additions to our ministry program. They are meeting with many families and students, helping them to resolve issues, caring for their needs, and helping to run a recovery program for several of the mothers in the area.
These great guys have been attending college full time while serving at the youth centers every Saturday and whenever they are free from school. They are awesome teachers for the children and great examples to the teenagers that they can succeed and have great futures if they continue to make wise, godly choices as they follow the Lord. All of these guys started off as young teenagers in our program and have grown to be impactful and mature young adults.
Some of their studies are mechanical and electrical engineering, and electrical studies.