Men's Monday Evening Bible Study

Meeting on In-Person or on Zoom from 7:30pm - 9:00pm on Monday Evenings

The Monday Men's Fellowship is open to all men who desire to fellowship with other brothers and grow in relationship with the Lord and each other.

The group started a study of Isaiah on August 1st. If you have been thinking that you would like to get connected with a group of brothers, please consider this invitation to jump in! 

We will be meeting on Monday evenings from 7:30 until 9:00 pm at Bob Rizzo's house. The study will be outside if the weather is nice and in his home if otherwise. There will also be an option to join the meetings via Zoom.

Hope you will prayerfully consider taking part in this study with other men who desire to grow in their walk with our Lord!

Fill out the form below to get more information, get Bob's address, or ask any questions.